Скачать бесплатно Agatha Christie "Christmas Tragedy"

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Отрывок текста:
'I have a complaint to make,' said Sir Henry Clithering. His eyes twinkled gently as he looked round at the assembled company. Colonel Bantry, his legs stretched out, was frowning at the mantelpiece as though it were a delinquent soldier on parade, his wife was surreptitiously glancing at a catalogue of bulbs which had come by the late post, Dr Lloyd was gazing with frank admiration at Jane Helier, and that beautiful young actress herself was thoughtfully regarding her pink polished nails. Only that elderly, spinster lady, Miss Marple, was sitting bolt upright, and her faded blue eyes met Sir Henry's with an answering twinkle.

Скачать бесплатно Agatha Christie "Christmas Tragedy". Часть 1
Скачать бесплатно Agatha Christie "Christmas Tragedy". Часть 2
Скачать бесплатно Agatha Christie "Christmas Tragedy". Текст
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