Скачать бесплатно Stephen King "The boogeyman"

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Отрывок текста:
'I came to you because I want to tell my story,' the man on Dr Harper's couch was saying. The man was Lester Billings from Waterbury, Connecticut. According to the history taken from Nurse Vickers, he was twenty-eight, employed by an industrial firm in New York, divorced, and the father of three children. All deceased. 'I can't go to a priest because I'm not a Catholic. I can't go to a lawyer because I haven't done anything to consult a lawyer about. All I did was kill my kids. One at a time. Killed them all.' Dr Harper turned on the tape recorder.Billings lay straight as a yardstick on the couch...

Скачать бесплатно Stephen King "The boogeyman". Часть 1
Скачать бесплатно Stephen King "The boogeyman". Часть 2
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